General Insurance

General Insurance

General Insurance

General Insurance is an insurance that does not come under Life Insurance, Some General Insurance are Motor/Auto, Personal Accident(PA), Health, Home Insurance, Travel Insurance, Business Insurance, Fire Insurance etc.

A General Insurance policy covers half or the total loss of the insured at certain events as stated in the respective general insurance policy.

Benefits of General Insurance

Financial Recovery

You don’t need to worry or stress during a financial loss because that time, the company will recover it.

Financially Stable

You will be financially stable.

Financial Protection

It offers the option to your family to become financially secure during personal accidents & losses related to motor, travel, health and fire.

Protect Savings

Protect your savings in an emergency, so you can use your savings to reach your financial goals.

Types of General Insurance

Motor/Auto Insurance

Motor/ Auto Insurance is one type of general insurance. Motor insurance companies will cover all the damages caused due to accidents or natural disasters.

Personal Accident

A personal Accident Insurance policy gives overall financial protection to the insured during accidental death, body injuries, and partial/total disabilities from an accident.

Home Insurance

The home insurance policy covers the cost and damage from fire, burglary, theft, flood, and earthquakes of the insured house depending upon what kind of policy the insured opted for.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance is also known as visitor Insurance. It is an insurance which covers all the medical and non medical emergencies of insured traveling.

Fire Insurance

Fire Insurance provides coverage of loss of property or furnishing the house, office building, machinery caused by fire accidentally or unintentionally.

Our Partners

We work in partnership with most of the reputed insurance companies to deliver value to our customers.

Contact us

Feel free to contact us and we will gladly answer any of your questions